
Smiling bananas


Anoche vi The Den, una de esas pelis de miedo relativamente realistas sobre el lado oscuro de internet que te dejan con el eterno recuerdo de gore vomitivo plasmado en la cocorota durante horas y horas hasta que los ojos se te salen de las órbitas te explota el cerebro (ya me pasó con Megan Is Missing... película perturbadora donde las haya que no recomiendo en absoluto porque lo único que te producirá es muuucha angustia y arcadas y... no, en serio, las últimas escenas son horribles).  

Last night I watched The Den, one of those relatively realistic horror movies about the dark side of the internet that leaves you with the everlasting memory of vomit-inducing gore nailed into your head for hours and hours until your eyes stream out like a river brain explodes (this happened to me with Megan Is Missing... a disturbing movie that I'd never EVER recommend because the only things that it'll cause you are distress and retching and... no, seriously, the last scenes are sickly horrible).

El caso es que, de algún modo, siempre termino involucrándome desmesuradamente en toda aquella historia que logra captar mi atención, incluyendo pelis traumáticas de este tipo cuyo argumento no es más que un montón de muerte, muerte, MUERTE. MUERTE. Y cámaras web. Terminé tan paranóica que incluso cubrí la cámara web del portátil con lo primero que encontré en el escalofriante cuarto oscuro:

The thing is, I always somehow end up getting too involved in any story that catches my attention, including oh-shit-it's-even-darker-here-behind-the-sofa movies like this with plots featuring nothing much else than death, death, DEATH. DEATH. And webcams. I ended up getting so paranoid that I even covered the webcam of my laptop with the first thing I could find in the brooding, darkened room of death:

Ya sé que es penoso, pero me ayudó a conciliar el sueño, ¿vale? Urgh.  I know it's pathetic, but it helped me fall asleep, k? Urgh.

6 comentarios:

  1. Evenin' ma'am *tips hat*

    I was originally planning to write something sufficiently noble and diplomatic about how wonderfully talented you are at weaving two languages together so handsomely, but... after viewing The Den with your good self by my side, I am unfortunately only able to SLOWLY MOVE MYSELF AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER IN HOPE THAT MY EVERY MOVE IS NOT BEING RECORDED BY AN EVIL CULT OF MURDERERS WHO WILL CONTINUE TO RAPE MY OVER-ACTIVE MIND FOR DECADES TO COME WITH THEIR UNFAIR BRAIN TORTURE.


    Thus, I must say farewell, adieu, auf wiedersen, TA LUEGO, for I am returning to my dark corner in the bedroom to sit and sulk.


  2. El cierto regusto hacia lo traumático hace que tenga deseos de ver
    "Megan is missing" cual profesional informático-fuma-puros que soy.
    No obstante, trataré de resumirme a ver tu otra recomendación "The Den" y
    a buscar una pegatina con dos plátanos para tapar mi web cam.

    El del puro.

    1. ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡NO!!!!!!!

      NO. LA. VEAS.



      *La madre de Manana bloquea el acceso a internet en el portátil bebacal de Manana inmediatamente*

    2. *y le da un puro para que no monte un escándalo*

  3. Lol! I can't do horror movies...I just can't handle it. Although, I do get weirdly drawn in (like you) then am scarred for life. Or at least the next week.

